Azevedo Sette Advogados Opens its Second Office in the State of São Paulo

Azevedo Sette Advogados Opens its Second Office in the State of São Paulo

Following our strategy of being present in the major industrial centers rendering services closer to our clients’ business, we inform the opening of our office in the Paulínia-Campinas/SP axle, which will also assist companies located in other cities in the region.

The new unit will be led by Karine Da Rovare De Lucca, under the supervision of Luciana Donizete Ortega.

This will be the second office of Azevedo Sette in the State of São Paulo, which now counts with 8 offices in Brazil: Belo Horizonte – Brasília (DF) – Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – São Paulo (SP) – Paulínia-Campinas (SP) – Divinópolis (MG) – João Monlevade (MG) and Steel Valley (MG).

The new office is strategically located in Paulínia, about 9 miles from downtown Campinas, and 22 miles from the city of Americana in the following address:

  • Av. José Paulino, 1040 / conj. 04 – Centro
    13140-000 – Paulínia – SP – Brasil
    Telephone: (55 19) 3933 3388
    Fax: (55 19) 3844 3639