News & Recent Work

Telecoms Series | Satellites regulations

Communication satellites are artificial bodies that relay signals between distant points on Earth, being an important mean for the provision of several communications services. In Brazil, its primary function is currently related to the expansion of broadband in the national...

Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America 2021 guide as reference in several practices

Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several...

Telecoms Series | Spectrum regulation

The radio-frequency spectrum is understood as a public good, of limited enjoyment, administered by the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency - ANATEL, corresponding to the electromagnetic spectrum, whose electromagnetic waves propagate in space without an artificial...

LGPD may take effect in the next few days and the ANPD has its regulatory structure constituted

As everyone knows, the Provisional Measure 959 (“MP 959”), which, among other matters, dealt with the validity of the LGPD, was evaluated in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, August 25. At that time, MP 959 became the Bill No. 34 (“PLV 34”), and its article 4th...

VOD (Video-On-Demand) regulations

From the perspective of the entertainment industry, the expressive technological and communication changes of the last decades have increased the frontiers of expansion of the audiovisual sector, creating different formats of access to content and giving the user more power to...

VAS - Value-Added Services in the Telecommunications Sector

Technological innovations in the telecommunications sector have faced, in the past, difficulties in reaching end consumers effectively, due to the lack of adequate business models for the provision of convergent services. The expansion and success of telecommunications,...

ANS appoints a Data Protection Officer for processing Personal Data

On August 11, Ordinance No. 283/2020 of the National Supplementary Health Agency (“ANS”) was published in the Brazilian Official Gazette, which appointed the servant Luiz Gustavo Meira Homrich to exercise the function of Data Protection Officer (DPO), as provided for in the...

Pernambuco and Minas Gerais advance in terms of Data Protection

The State of Pernambuco, on August 6, published the Decree No. 49,265/2020, which instituted the State Policy for Personal Data Protection of the State Executive Branch in accordance with Federal Law No. 13,709/2018 (“LGPD”). The Decree establishes the Four-Year Strategic...
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