News & Recent Work

Secretariat of Foreign Trade implements procedures for public interest analysis of trade remedy measures

SECEX Ordinance 8/2019, published on April 17th, sets forth a new procedure to be conducted by the Under-secretariat of Trade Remedies and Public Interest ("SDCOM") regarding public interest analysis for the purposes of application of antidumping duties and countervailing...

Public Hearings in the National Congress on Provisional Act 869/18

On 09/04/2019, the first public hearing of the Joint Committee of Provisional Act 869/18 ("MP 869/18") was held to discuss the topic "National Data Protection Authority: institutional design and models of governance, competencies and attributions for a National Data Protection...

What to expect from the Joint Committee that will analyze the Provisional Act on the General Law of Data Protection?

TMT Team of Azevedo Sette Advogados, Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, Juliana Sene Ikeda, Lorena Pretti Serraglio, Vitor Koketu, Isabella Aragão | The public hearings that are debating the General Law for Data Protection ("LGPD"), Law Nº 13.709/2018, and its amendments introduced...

Azevedo Sette Advogados in Latin Lawyer 250 | Edition 2019

Time-tested mining specialists | When you have spent more than half a century not only surviving, but positively thriving within Latin America’s most challenging legal market, you are clearly doing something right. For Azevedo Sette, the secret to its success lies in a...

Failure to submit the accounts up to April 30 may imply damages to stock corporations

Here are the possible damages and what officers should do to avoid them. Failure by the managing officers to submit the company’s accounts annually, or the simple irregularity in the legal formalization of the rendering of accounts may bring several damages to a company...

Brazilian Residentes with assets abroad must report to BACEN by april 5 to avoid fines

Individuals and legal entities must report investments on an annual or quarterly basis, depending on the value of the asset abroad. Check other deadlines that may apply to you....

Companies with foreign members must provide BACEN with updated information by 31.MAR.19

Do not take the risk of having to pay fines that could reach R$250.000,00. Check whether your company is required to disclose, and know which and when information needs to be submitted....

Azevedo Sette is recognized as the third most popular law firm in Latin America

The international publication LACCA (Latin American Corporate Counsel Association) just released their annual survey Who Represents Latin America’s Biggest Companies? and named Azevedo Sette Advogados as the third most popular firm in the region among the largest Corporations...
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