News & Recent Work

Mineiros taking on the Paulistas

There is only a tiny handful of firms from outside São Paulo who have truly become national, and even fewer of those hail from the state of Minas Gerais – the most prominent of which by far is Azevedo Sette. The firm betrays its roots with its excellent mining practice, but...

Term for the statement of brazilian central bank’s 2014 annual foreign capital census is coming to end

The Statement for 2014 Foreign Capital Census shall be filed by August 15th, 2014, before the Central Bank of Brazil. (Normative 3.602 and Normative Letter 3.603 of the Brazilian Central...

Private Antitrust Litigation


Brazilian Government has approved the new tourist visas’ law

Brazilian Government has sanctioned a new law that simplifies the process of issuing tourists visas, given the FIFA World Cup 2014 and the significant numbers of tourists who will come to Brazil. In the new law enacted, the entire process may occur electronically; the tourist...

Telecoms and Media


The new Anti-Corruption Act: Perspectives on Business

In January 29, 2014 the Federal Act # 12,846/2013, known as “Anti-Corruption Act”, entered into force. The Act provides for the civil and administrative liability of legal entities for performing acts against the Public Administration, either national or foreign,...

Brazilian corporations (S/A) and limited liability companies (LTDA.) must perform shareholders/ quotaholders annual meeting until the end of april

The performance of Shareholders/Quotaholders Annual Meeting are mandatory for all Brazilian Corporations (S/A) and Limited Liability Companies (Ltda), for discussion and approval of financial statements as establish in Brazilian legislation (art. 132 of federal law 6.404/76...

Individuals and companies from Brazil with investment abroad shall file statement before the Brazilian Central Bank

Individuals and companies from Brazil with investments abroad shall file before the Brazilian Central Bank a statement of Brazilian Capital Abroad (“CBE Statement”) concerning the base date of December 31, 2013according to Resolution CMN # 3.854, dated as of May...
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