News & Recent Work

Brazil's Revenue Department Clarifies Tax Treatment of Cost-Sharing Arrangements

Brazil’s Federal Revenue Department (FRD), in a recent private letter ruling (PLR), has clarified the tax treatment of cost-sharing arrangements between a Brazilian company and its foreign parent company for transfer pricing and tax purposes. For both income tax and...

Brazil's Superior Court Allows Deduction of Excess VAT Credits

In an unprecedented decision, Brazil’s Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has ruled that an exporter may deduct as costs the accumulated tax credits of state value added tax (ICMS) if, because of its exempt export activities, the company cannot recover or use the credits...

Brazil's Revenue Department Clarifies Use of Resale Price Method


Brazil's House Approves Law Project Revising Tax Treatment of Insurers


Brazilian Tax Court Confirms Penalty on Dividend Distributions


Brazil's Supreme Court to Rule on Social Taxation of Unrealized Income


Brazilian Congressional Panel Approves CSL Reduction for Service Providers


Brazil-U.K. Tax Agreement on Air, Maritime Transport Enters Into Force

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