News & Recent Work

Conversion into Law of PM 936/2020 (Labor Measures to Reduce Salaries and Working Hours and Suspension of the Employment Contract)

It was published on 07/07/2020, the Law 14,020/2020, which deals with the conversion of the PM 936/2020 published by the Federal Government to face the crisis brought by COVID-19 in the labor...

Deadline for sending the Annual Foreign Capital Census

The deadline for sending the Annual Census of Foreign Capital starts on July 1st and ends on August 15th,...

Network Equipment for 5G - Technical and Operational Requirements

The compliance assessment and the approval of products for telecommunications is carried out based on the analysis of technical and operational requirements, which demonstrate the credibility, reliability, quality and safety to users of the equipment used by the...

Azevedo Sette was legal advisor to Vita Participações in the acquisition of Instituto de Hematologia de Goiânia

Azevedo Sette was legal advisor to Vita Participações S/A in the acquisition of 64,3% of the capital stock of Instituto de Hematologia de Goiânia...

Azevedo Sette Advogados introduces new partner in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution practices

Azevedo Sette Advogados has boosted its arbitration and dispute resolution practices group with new partner Felipe Moraes join our firm...

LACCA Approved 2021 | Azevedo Sette partner is recognized as number one in Latin America

Our partner Frederico Bopp Dieterich received the most votes for the second year in a row. The list of Latin America’s leading law firm partners voted for by in-house counsel, the full list 2021 edition of LACCA Approved lawyers will be available online in the coming...

Flexibilization on the rendering of telecommunications services

Over the years, the exploitation of telecommunications services has been transformed by global technological developments and the emerging demands of globalization. In Brazil, the state monopoly exploitation model on telecommunications services “survived” until the 90’s,...

5G Challenges in Brazil

In a global context, the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G network) has several advantages and promises, which go hand in hand with the most varied challenges in the implementation of this technology, such as the increase in the volume of shared data, the use of specific...
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