News & Recent Work

Infrastructure Alert | Brazil Investment Opportunities

What to keep an eye on As attention is turning again to emerging markets, Brazil is a strong investment destination. International players are keenly waiting for the new government to put into action its campaign promises, especially the social security reform. Should things...

Dams safety regulation

Following the rupture of the Córrego do Feijão Mine dam in Brumadinho last Friday, 25/01/2019, several measures are being implemented by different federal and state Public Administration agencies, as well as by the Public Prosecution...

Azevedo Sette in Thomson Reuters

Investing in Brazil | Our partner Ricardo Barretto is the author Q&A for Thomson Reuters "Practical Law | Investing in...

Alert TMT | Brazilian General Data Protection Law

On December 27, 2018, as one of his last acts, President Michel Temer issued the Provisional Measure No. 869 (MP 869), which amended the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709, dated August 14, 2018 - LGPD) and finally created a National Data Protection Authority...

Azevedo Sette behind commercial real estate buy in Brazil

Azevedo Sette Advogados has helped Brazilian real estate company LOG acquire a majority stake in a Belo Horizonte commercial property owned by local counterpart BTS...

Deadline for reporting final beneficiary to brazilian federal revenue is extended for 180 days

The Brazilian Federal Revenue has extended the deadline for all companies registered under the Federal Taxpayer Register (CNPJ) to inform the final beneficiaries. The new deadline is June 26,...

ANAC postponed to January 07, 2019 the deadline for the submission of clarification requests in Airports Concessions

ANAC postponed to January 07, 2019 the deadline for the submission of clarification requests in connection with Airports Auction nº...

Deadline for reporting final beneficiary to brazilian federal revenue ends on december, 2018

All entities enrolled before the Brazilian Corporate Taxpayers’ Registry (CNPJ) must inform their ultimate beneficiaries owners (“Final Beneficiary”) until the date of December 31, 2018, by completing the form available in the system in addition to the support documents...
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