News & Recent Work

Azevedo Sette recognized by Best Lawyers in America

Azevedo Sette has been recognized by The Best Lawyers in America as reference in Banking and Finance Law, Corporate and M&A Law, Mining, Project Finance and Development Practice, Tax Law, Trade Law, Communications and Telecommunications Law, Data, Information Technology Law,...

Azevedo Sette assisted Mapfre in a new structure to BBMapfre

Azevedo Sette provided legal advice to Mapfre in the restructuring of the joint venture BBMapfre with Banco do Brasil and acquisition of shares. Mapfre and Banco do Brasil Seguridade previously had 50% each of the holding companies SH1 (Mapfre S.A./Mapfre Internacional...

Azevedo Sette guides education provider purchase

Brazil’s Azevedo Sette Advogados has helped education provider Faculdade Internacional de São Luís ­– a higher education college in the northeastern city of São Luís from Wyden Educacional - in the sale to Adtalem Educacional do...

Azevedo Sette advised LOG Commercial in the investment in BTS VIII Empreendimentos Imobiliários

Azevedo Sette Advogados advised LOG Commercial Properties e Participações S.A. in the investment in BTS VIII Empreendimentos Imobiliários S.A. by which LOG subscribed new shares representative of 91,5% of the company´s voting capital. BTS VIII Empreendimentos Imobiliários...

Risultato delle elezioni presidenziali Brasiliane può risultare in aumento delle opportunità di affari tra l’Italia e il Brasile

Domenica scorsa il Brasile ha eletto il suo prossimo presidente della repubblica, il candidato Jair Bolsonaro, del Partito Sociale Liberale (PSL), che ha sconfitto Fernando Haddad del Partito dei Lavoratori (PT), con una votazione in cui il vincitore ha avuto più di dieci...

Azevedo Sette listed in Leaders League 2019

The legal guide Leaders League 2019 recommended Azevedo Sette Advogados as reference in Large-Cap M&A, Corporate Law, Projects & Infrastructure, Environmental Law, Tax Litigation, Labor Counsel, Real Estate, Tax Counsel. Azevedo Sette’s partners Fernando Sette, Luis Miraglia,...

Belo Horizonte investors acquire PPP school developer from Odebrecht Luis Bulcao Pinheiro

Azevedo Sette Advogados has helped logistics company Transpes acquire a special purpose vehicle developing 56 schools in the city of Belo Horizonte as part of Brazil’s first education-focused public private partnership...

Los bufetes locales tienen grandes oportunidades para crecer en Latinoamérica

FERNANDO AZEVEDO SETTE, SOCIO DE AZEVEDO SETTE ADVOGADOS “Latinoamérica tiene un gran potencial en el mercado de los servicios legales, el problema es que muchas de estas firmas se conforman con consolidarse en el mercado local y olvidan lo...
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