News & Recent Work

Ricardo Barretto Ferreira

IDEC notifies Dataprev to suspend bidding process for the acquisition of facial recognition technology

Dataprev – a public company responsible for Brazilian´s data security and social security information – was notified by the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection (IDEC). IDEC´s aim is suspension of the company´s bidding process...

Procon fines Google and Apple for face-aging app

The foundation from São Paulo, Procon (Consumer Protection and Defense Program), applied a fine of R$ 9.9 million to Google and another of R$ 7.7 million to Apple for violating the Brazilian Consumer Defense Code by making the application “FaceApp”...

Anatel holds a public hearing to discuss reduction of Internet of Things (IoT) barriers

The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) held a public hearing at its headquarters to discuss the possibility of reducing regulatory barriers regarding the expansion of Internet of Things – IoT apps (machine to machine communication) in Brazil – related to quality...

Public Civil Suit proposed against the Federal Union and Ceará’s AMC sparks debate on the rise in legal demands regarding privacy and protection of personal data

The Federal District´s State Attorneys’ Office filed Public Civil Suit against the Federal Union and Ceará’s AMS (Autarquia Municipal de Trânsito – Municipal Traffic, Public Services and Citizenship Authority)....

PL nº 4.496/19 intends to define the concept of “automated decision” in LGPD

On August 14, 2019, Bill nº 4.496/2019 was presented by Senator Styvenson Valentim (PODEMOS / RN) at the Senate Plenary, which intends to amend Law nº 13.709/2018 (General Law of Personal Data Protection - “LGPD”) to define the term “automated decision” as a...

Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America 2020 guide as reference in several practices

Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several...

Azevedo Sette recognized in LACCA Approved 2020

Azevedo Sette Advogados has 14 partners recognized as reference in Corporate M&A, Arbitration, Litigation, Tax, Intellectual Property, Administrative Law, Anti-corruption e Compliance, Intellectual Property Law, and Tax practices in internacional legal guide LACCA Approved,...

Decree nº 9.936/19 regulates the law that instituted Positive Credit Registry, establishing its guidelines

Decree nº 9.936/19, published in the Federal Official Gazette on July 25, 2019, regulated Law nº 12.414/11, which instituted the Positive Credit Registry - that is, the formation and consultation of databases with citizen information - in order to establish guidelines for...
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