News & Recent Work

Ricardo Barretto Ferreira

Automation of work is one of the major concerns of British workers

One of the biggest concerns of British workers is that their jobs can be replaced by machines and robots in the next decade. A study of the Bank of England warned that approximately 15 million jobs may disappear in the next few years, and the manual and low income labor are...

Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several practices

Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several...

Brazilian Prosecutor Office files lawsuit against Banco Inter S/A for personal data leak

The Personal Data Commission of the Prosecutor Office of the Federal District and Territories (MPDFT) filed a Public Civil Action against Banco Inter S/A, requesting that the bank be ordered to pay R$ 10 million for failing to take the necessary precautions to ensure security...

Legal insecurity delays investments to bring the internet to all

After the Brazilian Supreme Court overturned all the preliminary injunctions that prevented the conclusion of the agreement between Telebras and Viasat to take broadband internet to places devoid of telecommunications infrastructure, using the geostationary communications...

Australias federal court fines Meriton for trying to prevent guests from posting negative opinions on TripAdvisor

Australias federal court has fined the Meriton Property Services hotel chain, one of the largest in the country, at $ 2.2 million for trying to prevent guests from posting negative opinions about the networks services on the TripAdvisor site. The court found that such conduct...

India is heading towards the adoption of a Data Protection Law

Following the global trend of protecting citizens’ data in a more robust way, India will be one of the next countries to have a Data Protection Law. Check out the main points of the Bill here....

SP | Seminar | Brazilian Data Protection Law

SÃO PAULO, July 31, 2018 | The purpose of our seminar is to discuss the new Brazilian Data Protection Law, recently approved by the Federal Senate, going through the main points and adequacy measures to be implemented by...

Google is fined for breach of European Union’s antitrust rules

European Union’s antitrust rules. According to the European Commission, Google imposed unlawful restrictions on device manufacturers and operators of mobile networks to consolidate its dominant position as Internet search engine. In particular,...
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