News & Recent Work

Ricardo Barretto Ferreira

The Privacy, Data Protection and Cybersecurity Law Review: Brazil Chapter

Our TMT practice’s senior partner Ricardo Barretto, the Pricacy and Data Protecton coordinator, Lorena Pretti Serraglio and the associate Camilla Chicaroni and the former associate Nariman Ferdinian Gonzales are the authors of the chapter Brazil in "The Privacy, Data...

Recent Developments in the Implementation of 5G Technology and Its Benefits

Our TMT practice’s senior partner Ricardo Barretto, the associate Helena Virgili and the former associate Isabella de Castro Satiro Aragão are the authors of the chapter "Recent Developments in the Implementation of 5G Technology and Its Benefits", published in The...

Brazilian 5G Bidding Call – XII - Final Version of the Bidding Call

The National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”) published, on September 27, 2021, the Notice of Bidding Competition No. 1/2021/SOR/SPR/CD-ANATEL and the Bidding Call of the bidding that will auction radio frequencies in the 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 26 GHz bands, with...

Brazilian 5G bidding call is published

The Board of Directors of the National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”) published in the Official Gazette of September 27, 2021, the Notice of Bid “Aviso de Licitação Concorrência Nº 1/2021/SOR/SPR/CD-ANATEL” related to the bidding procedure that will award...

Brazilian 5G Bidding Call - XI - Consequences of the Federal Accounting Court (TCU) Final Decision

In Brazil, led by the National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”), is advancing the process which will auction radio frequencies in the 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz, 3.5 GHz, and 26 GHz bands, establishing important guidelines for the implementation of mobile telephony networks with...

Digest of Commercial Laws of the World by Thomson Reuters | Brazil Chapter

Our TMT practice senior partner Ricardo Barretto Ferreira is the lead author of the Brazil Chapter, published at the "Digest of Commercial Laws of the World", by Thomson Reuters. Contributed as co-authors, the partners Alessandra Lima Ganz, Alessandra Martins de Souza and...

Brazilian Congress Approves a Project on Temporary Patent Suspension on Vaccines and Medicines - COVID-19

The Senate approved last week (August 11), the Bill No. 12/2021 ("PL 12/2021"), which aims to facilitate the compulsory licensing of patents in Brazil, in cases of emergency or public interest, such as in the current coronavirus pandemic. Said bill, authored by the Senator...

The Legal 500 - Country Comparative Guides | Brazil Chapter

Our TMT practice, leaded by the senior Ricardo Barreto Ferreira, with the partner Danielle Cavalcante and the associates Juliana Ikeda, Lorena Pretti Serraglio and Sylvia Werdmuller von Elgg Roberto are the authors of the "The Legal 500: TMT Country Comparative Guide | Brazil...
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