News & Recent Work

Rafael Bassoli

Azevedo Sette introduces new partners in Labor Law, Litigation, Corporate M&A and Succession Planning

Committed to the continuous development of our in-house talents, it is with great pleasure that we announce three new partners: Silvia Pellegrini Ribeiro, Fabricio Faggiani Dib and Rafael Tavares Bassoli, who specialize in Labor Law, Litigation, Corporate Law and Succession...

Risultato delle elezioni presidenziali Brasiliane può risultare in aumento delle opportunità di affari tra l’Italia e il Brasile

Domenica scorsa il Brasile ha eletto il suo prossimo presidente della repubblica, il candidato Jair Bolsonaro, del Partito Sociale Liberale (PSL), che ha sconfitto Fernando Haddad del Partito dei Lavoratori (PT), con una votazione in cui il vincitore ha avuto più di dieci...

Azevedo Sette is recognized by The Legal 500 edition 2018

Azevedo Sette is recognized as leading law firm in Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and references in Compliance, Competition and Antitrust, Corporate and M&A, Dispute resolution: Litigation, Environment, Insurance, International Trade and Customs, Labour and Employment,...

Azevedo Sette provided legal advice in solar energy project to MicroPower

Azevedo Sette provides legal advice to MicroPower in the negotiations regarding the structuring of the project, which involved the creation of joint venture to exploration of equipments of solar battery with Paulista Comerc Soluções em Energia in Brazil....

Azevedo Sette announces the Italian Desk service

In linea con il nostro obiettivo di assistere i nostri clienti a tutto tondo, dalla definizione della strategia, all’implementazione, il nostro Desk dedicato supporta le imprese italiane interessate ad operare o ad espandere la loro presenza in Brazil, così come le aziende e...

Azevedo Sette participated of Compliance & Regulatory Certification Training

Our Corporate M&A and Compliance departments participated of Compliance & Regulatory Certification Training conducted by FLI NET, a Brussels-based hub of a global network of over 75 independent, national law firms. The training is a full-day program intended for...

Frutarom adquiere SDFLC con asesoría de Azevedo Sette

En una negociación cerrada el 22 de junio, la compañía alimentaria israelí Frutarom Industries Ltd. adquirió 80% del grupo brasileño SDFLC Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda., dedicado a la producción de preparados para helados y postres, tras desembolsar BRL 110...

Italian fridge maker expands in Brazil

Emilio Demetriou-Jones 19 June 2017 Grimaldi Studio Legale in Italy and Brazil’s Azevedo Sette have helped Italian fridge manufacturer Indel B acquire 40% of Brazilian refrigeration company Elber Indústria. Elber Indústria turned to Brazilian firm Martinelli...
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