News & Recent Work


Telecoms Series | Telecom Stations Licensing

In order to simplify and harmonize the procedures related to the registration and licensing of telecommunications stations, the National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”), the telecommunications regulatory body in Brazil, approved, by means of Resolution No. 719, dated...

Telecoms Series | IoT – Recent Developments

In Brazil, Decree No. 9854, dated June 25, 2019 (“Decree”), instituted the National Plan of Internet of Things (“IoT”) to implement and develop IoT in the country, based on free competition and free movement of data, provided in compliance with the guidelines of...

Telecom Series | Public Emergency Services

The Public Emergency Service (“SPE”) made available in Brazil has its legal basis in Resolution No. 357, dated March 15, 2004, of the National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”). This Resolution, which approved the so-called Regulation on the Conditions of Access and...

Telecom Series | MVNOs Regulation

According to Law No. 9,472/1997 (General Telecommunications Law - “LGT”), the regulatory body responsible for organizing the exploitation of telecommunications services in Brazil is the National Telecommunications Agency (“ANATEL”)....

Telecommunications Equipment Security Certification and Homologation

In order to guarantee the acquisition and use of efficient and reliable telecommunications equipment for consumers, such products must respect quality and safety standards and regulations on technical features, through the Certification and Homologation of such equipment - and...

Telecoms Infrastructure III | Network sharing – Neutral network

Infrastructure sharing is understood as the use of the utility of a provider’s structure by another operator, aiming at avoiding its duplication and giving economic viability to the expansion of telecommunications services coverage. As demonstrated below, the market trend of...

Telecoms Infrastructure II

Access to broadband for the use of Internet is fundamental for the improvement of the current digital society, being the cause and consequence of the countries social and economic development. However, peripheral locations and rural regions are subject to conditions that hinder...

Telecoms Infrastructure I

The interconnection of users with the global network, over long distances, occurs through transport and access networks, which have the general function of transferring and providing access to information, voice and video through services provided by operators of...
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