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Supreme Court ratified the understanding about payment of copyrights for streaming

In an enforcement action of legal precept against OI, the Brazilian Central Agency of Collection and Distribution (ECAD) obtained a favorable decision from the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), in relation to copyright´s collection in musical broadcast on the internet via...

Azevedo Sette's article in Global Competition Litigation Review 2017

Global Competition Litigation Review features an article by Luiz Eduardo Salles and Ingrid Bandeira Santos that clarifies about the propose of Brazilian competition authority of regulating procedures on access to documents to substantiate private antitrust...

Bacen changes rules for foreign investment registration

Ana Paula Terra Caldeira and Luiza Elena Ribeiro Cardoso* New rules issued by the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) simplify and modernize registration procedures in the foreign direct investment module (“RDE-IED”), which reduces costs and time, at the same time...

Federal Revenue extends term for information of equity interest chain up to final beneficiary

The new obligation to identify the equity interest chain until it reaches the final beneficiary has its initial term extended to July 1st, 2017 On May 9, 2016, the Brazilian Federal Revenue has published the Normative Instruction No. 1,634/2016, which established, among...

Brazil now recognizes limited liability single enterprise

The Department of Business Registration and Integration – DREI revises its normative instruction to allow national or foreign legal entities to be holder of a Limited Liability Single Enterprise – EIRELI DREI has amended, through the Normative Instruction #...

Brazil | Annual Corporate Obligations

Annual Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad 2017 The Central Bank of Brazil (“BACEN”) is receiving the Annual Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad (Annual CBE) regarding the fiscal year of 2016. This declaration must be submitted by any individual or corporate...

Getting the Deal Through | Telecoms & Media Brazil

Entrevista para a publicação internacional Getting the Deal Through com nossos sócios Ricardo Barretto Ferreira and Paulo Brancher sobre mudanças na regulamentação das áreas de TMT | An interview with Ricardo Barretto Ferreira and Paulo Brancher (partners in Azevedo...

Brazilian law firms drive US$280 million medical lab IPO

17 February 2017 by Emilio Demetriou-Jones Lefosse Advogados has helped Brazilian medical laboratory Instituto Hermes Pardini (IHP) raise 878 million reais (US$282 million) in an initial public offering. Itaú BBA, Morgan Stanley, Bradesco BBI, Bank of America Merrill...
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