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Brazilian Residents with assets abroad must report to BACEN by April 5TH to avoid fines

Individuals and legal entities must report investments on an annual or quarterly basis, depending on the value of the asset abroad. Check other deadlines that may apply to you....

Presidential decree discusses governance in data sharing by Public Authorities

Decree n. 10,046/2019, which establishes rules and guidelines for data sharing between direct, local and foundational public administration bodies and entities and the other Public Powers, was recently signed into law by the President of the Republic. This Decree acts in a...

CJEU decides that the Right to Be Forgotten must apply only to EU member countries

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has issued a position recognizing the territorial limitation of the Right to Be Forgotten. The opinion was based on the lawsuit filed by CNIL (French Data Protection Regulatory Agency) against Google in 2015, in which the...

Facebook could be legally compelled to remove illegal content worldwide, according to a ruling by the CJEU

Contrary to Googles (aforementioned) guidance on limiting the territorial scope of the Right to Be Forgotten application, the Court of Justice of the European Union has recognized that European courts may order that Facebook and other storage providers suppress information or...

President of the Republic signs, without vetoes, the new Telecommunications Law

The President of the Republic sanctioned, without vetoes, the New Telecommunications Law (Law n. 13.879/2019). Based on Chamber of Deputies Bill n. 79/2016, approved by the Senate, the law amends the Telecommunications Law to allow the adaptation of the telecommunications...

Deadline for reporting final beneficiary to brazilian federal revenue is extended for 180 days

The Brazilian Federal Revenue has extended the deadline for all companies registered under the Federal Taxpayer Register (CNPJ) to inform the final beneficiaries. The new deadline is June 26,...

Deadline for reporting final beneficiary to brazilian federal revenue ends on december, 2018

All entities enrolled before the Brazilian Corporate Taxpayers’ Registry (CNPJ) must inform their ultimate beneficiaries owners (“Final Beneficiary”) until the date of December 31, 2018, by completing the form available in the system in addition to the support documents...

Automation of work is one of the major concerns of British workers

One of the biggest concerns of British workers is that their jobs can be replaced by machines and robots in the next decade. A study of the Bank of England warned that approximately 15 million jobs may disappear in the next few years, and the manual and low income labor are...
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