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News ASA

Decree nº 9.936/19 regulates the law that instituted Positive Credit Registry, establishing its guidelines

Decree nº 9.936/19, published in the Federal Official Gazette on July 25, 2019, regulated Law nº 12.414/11, which instituted the Positive Credit Registry - that is, the formation and consultation of databases with citizen information - in order to establish guidelines for...

EU Court of Justice rules that companies using a “like” button linked to Facebook must answer for data to users.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled on July 29, 2019, that companies that embed the Facebook "like" button on their websites, allowing their users personal data to be transferred to the North American social network, could be held liable for data collection. The ruling...

Deadline for submission of the annual census statement of foreign Capital in Brazil is August 15, 2019 (reference date of December 31, 2018)

Who should deliver the statement? Who is dismissed? When is the...

Compliance Is Taking Off in Latin America. Is It Effective?

Although no reliable data is available on the growth of the compliance industry in Latin America, all specialists consulted by AQ were quick to highlight that it is a hot and booming topic in the corporate world. Brazil-based compliance attorney and professor Isabel Franco...

Azevedo Sette Partnes recognized in LACCA: Thought Leaders

Our partners Frederico Bopp Dieterich (Infrastructure and Administrative Law), Luiz Sette (Corporate M&A), Ricardo Barretto (TMT), Ana Paula Terra (Corporate M&A), Isabel Franco (Compliance and White-Collar), and Leandra Guimarães...

Cryptocurrency and tax obrigations

The Brazilian Federal Revenue (Receita Federal Brasileira – “RFB”) published the Normative Rule no. 1,888/2019 (“IN 1,888”) to oblige individual, legal entities and Cryptocurrency Exchange inform its transactions with the purposes of having a clear tax and financial...

Consultancies help clean up ‘Car Wash’ corruption

As Brazil’s Lava Jato, or Car Wash, corruption investigation was entering its fifth year in 2018, Isabel Franco, a São Paulo-based lawyer and compliance expert, was preparing for her first holiday since the sweeping probe began. She was packing for a wedding in Sicily, when...

Azevedo Sette Advogados announces new partner In Corporate M&A Practice

Committed to the continuous development of our in-house talents, it is with great pleasure that we announce a new partner: Thiago Assumpção Henriques, who is specialized in Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, and International Contracts at the Belo Horizonte office of...
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