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News ASA

Brazil chapter: Telecom & Media

The senior partner and lead of TMT - Telecommunications, Media and Technology team at Azevedo Sette Advogados, Ricardo Barretto Ferreira is the exclusive author of the Brazil Chapter in "Lexology GTDT - Telecoms and Media" with the contribution of Sylvia Werdmüller von Elgg...

Provisional Measure changes the legal nature of the Brazilian Data Protection Authority

Today the President of the Republic published the Provisional Measure No. 1,124/2022 in order to change the nature of the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”), which until then, was only a body of the federal public administration with a transitory legal nature....

Brazilian Government reduces import tariffs by 10%

GECEX Resolution No 353/2022, published on May 24, established a temporary reduction of import tariffs by 10 percentage points for 87% of all products. The measure was unanimously approved in an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Management Committee of the Chamber of...
Infrastructure opportunities in the Brazilian Power Transmission and Hydrogen sectors

Infrastructure opportunities in the Brazilian Power Transmission and Hydrogen sectors

In the last week of March, the Congress received a proposal for a new law about the formal insertion of hydrogen as an energy source in the Brazilian matrix and setting forth guidelines for the green hydrogen. The bill received the number...

Higher compliance costs and more disputes expected under Brazil’s TP reform

Our associate and tax manager of Azevedo Sette’ Tax team, Hanna Lauar participates of the text: “We don’t have any regulation on the master and local file, so all of that will be new. I don’t believe companies are yet prepared. They will need to evaluate what the actual...

Azevedo Sette in the Chambers Brazil: Contentious 2022

We are very proud to announce that Azevedo Sette has been recognized in the second edition of Chambers Brazil: Contentious 2022 as reference in Compliance and International Trade / WTO. Our partners Isabel Franco and Luiz Eduardo Salles and Compliance and International Trade...

Brazilian Corporations and Commercial Limited Liability Companies must hold shareholders/quotaholders Annual Meeting until the end of April

Pursuant to article 1,078 of the Brazilian Civil Code and article 132 of Brazilian Federal Law 6.404/76, we inform that all Commercial Limited Liability Companies and Brazilian Corporations, regardless its size, shall perform the Annual Quotaholders’ Meeting or Annual...

Chambers TMT 2022 Global Practice Guide

Chambers TMT 2022 Global Practice Guide is now available in a pdf version, the guide features 25 jurisdictions and provides the latest legal information on cloud computing; blockchain; big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI); the internet of things (IoT);...
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